Updated 6/24/07

El Firulete 
The Argentine Tango Magazine 
Winter 2002


Time to Pay the Organ Grinder

One year goes by, and a new year moves in at a frightening speed. If history repeats itself, we might be well into the second half of another one of tango's forty-years cycles. Which means it might be downhill from here on. We'd like to say it ain't so, but who are we to tamper with time and fate?

Just in case the end is near, if we are to believe that the tango indeed rises and falls in forty year cycles, it behooves us to make some resolutions. The first hard copy of El Firulete appeared in Sunnyvale, CA in August, 1994 as a local newsletter reporting on who had gotten a new pair of shoes and the four week engagement of a show called Forever Tango. A year later, with the vision of Valorie Hart, it became a magazine with a strong editorial personality, and a penchant for educating readers with original and entertaining material. For five years El Firulete became our calling card and our way to stay in  touch with teachers and students all over the country. Our Tango, Our dance series educated dancers of all ages and a new generation of young teachers on the structure of the dance, and it pioneered a modern vocabulary to communicate the concepts of the  tango dance.

Two years into the new millenium the publication began to fail to adhere to its self-imposed monthly schedule. Blame it on the traveling, blame it on the teaching, blame it on the dancing, blame it on the enjoyment of a new home base and blame it on a desire it to do it all without being able to stretch the tweny-four hours constraint of a given day. Rather than trying to delude ourselves into believing that the world of tango needs us to do it all, we decided to focus on the areas which we enjoy at being at our best. Teaching and dancing are at the top of our list. Creating opportunities for others to share the fruits of our teaching and partake in the enjoyment of dancing together, follows right in line.

Although writing has been part of our contribution to educate, the time and costs involved in putting out a hard copy publication were excessively inefficient in achieving its original purposes. The creative juices of an artist can not be turned on and off at will, so they have been channeled into a superior instructional book, along with a largely overdue series of instructional videotapes.

Alberto Paz
Copyright (c) 2002, Planet Tango. All Rights Reserved

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