






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Trasnochando     Up all hours
Music: Armando Balliotti
Lyrics: Osmar Maderna
Rec. by Miguel Caló
with Raul Berón
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 10 Jan. 2007, Divino Lounge
como todo calavera
que no ve lo que le espera,
que no sabe donde va...
tus consejos, buen amigo,
casi fuimos enemigos
por decirme la verdad.

Up all hours,
just like a skull with hollow eyes
who can't see where the future lies,
who can't fathom where he goes...
I rejected
your good advice, honest friend,
and your true counsel in the end
nearly turned us into foes.

Siempre fueron
mis mejores compañeros
los muchachos milongueros,
jugadores y algo mas...
y con ellos
noche a noche derrochaba
entre copas, baile y farras,
esta vida que se va.

Back in those days,
my most frequent kind of chums
were gamblers, milonguero bums,
and that general kind of guy...
and around them,
I wasted every night till morning
drinking, dancing, and cavorting,
and this whole life went passing by.

Trasnochando conoci
la mujer que vos sabés,
no quisiera repetir
lo que anoche te conté.
Todo, todo lo perdi,
solo de ella conservé
esa foto que hay allí
y que ya no quiero ver.
Vos que todo lo sabés,
mañana cuando venis
esa foto la guardás
la tirás o la rompés,
para mí lo mismo da
vos hacé lo que querés
no la quiero ya mirar
ni pensar le que ella fue.

Being up all hours let me meet
the girl you know of all too well;
and I'd rather not repeat
what last night you heard me tell.
I lost it all, I lost it all;
she only now belongs to me
in that there photo on the wall
that I don't even care to see.
You know how everything went down;
when you come tomorrow morn,
take that photo, throw it out,
or rip it up and leave it torn.
From where I stand, it's all the same,
you do with it as you please;
I never want to see it again
or have her in my memories.

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All contents copyright 2007