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translated by Jake Spatz

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Traiga otra caña     Line up another shot
Music & lyrics: Antonio Scatasso
Rec. by Angel D'Agostino
with Angel Vargas
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 25 July 07, Divino Lounge
Traiga otra caña quemada,
que tengo seco el garguero,
porque si me acuerdo de ella,
de pena y rabia me muero.
Traiga caña con pimienta,
para un hombre que lloró,
para poder ir ahogando,
las penas que siento yo.

Line up another burning shot
that I can parch my gizzard with,
because if I keep remembering her
the grief and the fury will kill me...
Line up a shot with pepper heat
for a man whose face is in tears,
so I can go on smothering out
the agonies I feel.

Yo no creo en los amores,
ni en hombrias ni placeres,
ni en ruego de mujeres,
ni en la palabra de honor.

Pa' mi no tiene la vida,
nada que valga la pena,
cuando se pierde pa' siempre,
la madre, la madre buena.

I don't believe in love affairs,
or in being a man or having fun,
or in asking any women out,
or in the name of honor.

There's nothing at all in life for me,
nothing that's worth the bother,
when once and for all you've lost
your mother, your darling mother.

Siga llenando mi copa,
sin mezquinarle pulpero,
para emborrachar dolores,
lo que me sobra es dinero.
Traiga caña, mucha caña,
que pa' mi todo acabó;
para que quiero la vida,
si mi viejita murió.

My glass, keep it filled to the brim
without slipping out on me, tapster;
you keep my sorrows in their cups,
I couldn't care less for the cash.
Line 'em up now, line up a row,
'cause I'm at the end of my ride...
What should I want to go on for,
if my old lady's died.

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All contents copyright 2007