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translated by Jake Spatz

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Soñar y nada más     To do nothing but dream
Music: Francisco Canaro
Lyrics: Ivo Pelay
Rec. by Alfredo de Angelis
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 24 May 2006, Divino Lounge
No despiertes si sueñas amores,
niña hermosa, que amar es soñar...
Despertar es quebrar ilusiones
y hallar, entre sombras, la amarga verdad.
No despiertes si vives soñando
y en tu mente hay torrentes de sol;
si en tus sueños se encienden suspiros
que te cercan y acallan tu voz.

Don't wake up if you're dreaming of love,
pretty girl, for to love is to dream...
To wake up is to shatter illusion
and find, in the shadows, harsh truth.
Don't wake up if you live life dreaming
and sunbeams cascade in your mind;
if your dreams luminesce with wishes
that surround you and silence your cries.

Soñar y nada más,
con mundos de ilusión...
Soñar y nada más,
con un querer arrobador...
¡Soñar que tuyo es él
y vive para ti!...
Soñar, siempre soñar
que dicen que, en amor,
es triste despertar.

To do nothing but dream
into worlds of illusion...
To do nothing but dream
in a trance of desire...
To dream that he's yours
and lives only for you!
Forever to dream unshaken,
for they say that, in love,
it's a sad, sad thing to awaken.

Soñar y nada más,
con noches de quietud,
que, misteriosas, van,
cantando amor y beatitud.
Volar a las estrellas
de divinos resplandores
y, en esa eternidad,
vivir un ideal...
¡Soñar y nada más!

To do nothing but dream
of nights all at peace,
that wander mysteriously
singing love and bliss.
To fly up to the stars
with their splendor divine,
and, in that eternity,
to live out an ideal...
To do nothing but dream!

No despiertes si sueñas quereres,
que sin duda soñar es vivir...
Mientras tu alma vislumbre ternuras,
verás, niña hermosa, que el mundo es feliz.
Despertar es matar esperanzas
y enfrentar a la cruel realidad...
Es por eso que quiero que sueñes,
que soñando jamás llorarás.

Don't wake up if you dream of desire:
there's no doubt that to dream is to live...
While your soul has a glimpse of tenderness,
you'll see, pretty girl, that the world is happy.
To wake yourself up is to murder hope
and look the cruel world in the eye...
And that's what I want you to dream for,
for never in dreams will you cry.

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006