






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Sin palabras (1946)     Without a word
Music: Maríano Mores
Lyrics: Enrique Santos Discépolo

Rec. by Anibal Troilo
with Alberto Marino
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 02 May 07, Divino Lounge
Nació de ti...
buscando una canción que nos uniera,
y hoy sé que es cruel,
brutal, quizás, el castigo que te doy...
Sin palabras esta música va a herirte
donde quiera que la escuche tu traición;
la noche más absurda, el día más triste,
cuando estés riendo o cuando llore tu ilusión...

It was born of you...
looking for some song that could unite us,
and now I know how cruel,
even brutal, is the punishment I bring you...
Without a word this very music's bound to hurt you
when it catches your old betrayal by the ear;
that most absurd of nights, that saddest of all days,
whether you laugh it off or see your dreams in tears...

Perdoname, si es Dios
quien quiso castigarte al fin,
si hay llantos
que puedan perseguir asi,
si estas notas que nacieron por tu amor,
al final son un cilicio
que abre heridas de una historia...
¡Son suplicios! ¡Son memorias!
Fantoche herido, mi dolor
se alzará cada vez
que oigas esta canción...

Forgive me, if it's God
who wished to punish you after all—
forgive me for there being tears
that can track one down like this,
for these notes that were born by your love
being a hair-shirt in the end
and opening wounds out of history...
They're a torture! They're a memory!
Wounded puppet, my own pain
breaks upon me every time
there's a chance you'd hear this song...

Nació de ti...
mintiendo entre esperanzas un destino,
y hoy sé que es cruel,
brutal, quizás, el castigo que te doy...
Sin decirlo, esta canción dirá tu nombre,
sin decirlo, con tu nombre estaré yo...
¡Los ojos casi ciegos de mi asombro,
junto al asombro de perderte y no morir!

It was born of you...
telling lies about our fate from hope to hope,
and now I know how cruel,
even brutal, is the punishment I bring you...
With all unspoken, yet this song will say your name,
with all unspoken, there beside your name I'll be...
My eyes are almost blinded from amazement,
the sheer amazement that I could lose you and not die!

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2007