






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Poema     Poem
Music & Lyrics:
Mario Melfi & Eduardo Bianco
Rec. by Francisco Canaro
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 05 Oct. 05, Divino Lounge
Fue un ensueño de dulce amor,
horas de dicha y de querer.
Fue el poema de ayer,
que yo soñé de dorado color.
Vanas quimeras que el corazón
no logrará descifrar jamás.
¡Nido tan fugaz,
fue un sueño de amor,
de adoracíon!

It was a dream of sweet, sweet love,
hours of bliss and of desire.
It was the poem of yesterday,
which I dreamt in hues of gold.
Vain chimeras, for which the heart
will never have an explanation.
A nest that blows away,
it was a dream of love,
a dream of adoration!

Cuando las flores de tu rosal
vuelvan más bellas a florecer,
recordarás mi querer
y has de saber
todo mi intenso mal...

When it's time again for your rosebush
to blossom once more with flowers full of beauty,
you'll remember my desire,
and then think back
on all the nasty things I did to you...

De aquel poema embriagador
ya nada queda entre los dos.
¡Con mi triste adios
sentirás la emoción de mi dolor!

Back in that drunk of a poem,
there's already nothing left between the pair.
And at my sad goodbye,
you're going to sense the feel of my pain too!

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All contents copyright 2006