






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Pajaro ciego     Blind bird
Music: Antonio Bonavena
Lyrics: Lito Bayardo
   (possibly under the earlier
   pseudonym "Lito Gallardo")
Rec. by Anibal Troilo
with Francisco Fiorentino
& Amadeo Mandarino
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 18 Oct. 2006, Divino Lounge
Como aquel pajarito cantor
que tenía los ojos sin luz
y en su jaula dorada cantó
su canción de dolor...
yo también a tu lado alguna vez
a escuchar tu canción me acerqué
y era tan seductor tu cantar
que en tu cárcel quedé.

As with that little songbird
that had darkness in its eyes
and sang from its golden cage,
putting sorrow into song—
you brought me to your side once
to hear your singing close,
and your voice seduced me so,
I joined you in your jail.

Pajarito cantor
si te vas de aquí
yo no se si olvidar
que te conocí.
No quisiera llorar
sobre mi dolor
ni tampoco pensar
en mi pobre amor.

Little songbird of mine,
if you fly out from here
I think the thought that we met
would never disappear.
I don't want to cry
over all my pain,
nor think with a sigh
about my poor love.

Porqué quién te va a querer
aquí como te amo yo
quién, quien te cuidará
quién, si te vas así
sin decirme adiós.

Because who will there be to adore you
the same as I love you here,
who, who will show you care,
who, if you leave like this
without a word of goodbye.

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006