






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Oigo tu voz     I hear your voice
Music: Mario Canaro
Lyrics: Francisco García Jiménez
Rec. by Ricardo Tanturi
with Enrique Campos
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 28 June 2006, Divino Lounge
Miedo de morir,
ansia de vivir,
sueño o realidad?...
Algo quiere ser
un amanecer
en mi soledad...
Canto que olvidé,
sitios que dejé,
dicha que perdí...
Hoy en la emoción
de mi corazón
todo vuelve a mí!

Too afraid to die,
too scared of life to try—
is this a dream or is it true?
Something's turning on,
and wants to be the dawn
above my solitude...
A song that fell from mind,
places I left behind,
the luck I used to see...
Emotions now are flooding,
my heart today is thudding—
it all comes back to me!

Oigo tu voz
la que mi oído no olvida!
Me trae tu voz
hasta mi pena escondida
la luz y la vida
de un rayo de sol...
Vuelvo a escuchar
el nombre mío en tu acento,
sin descifrar
si es la palabra que siento
mentira del viento,
delirio, no más...

I hear your voice,
the one my ears have held on to!
I follow your voice
till I can't make out my hardship
in the light and the life
of a shaft of the sun...
I'm back listening close
to my name in your accent,
and I never know
if the sentence I'm hearing
is wind in my ear,
delirium, nothing more...

Tiemblo por saber
si en mi puerta estás,
si es tu propia voz;
y no quiero abrir
para no llorar
muerta mi ilusión...
Déjame pensar
que a salvar vendrás
el deshecho amor...
Déjame creer
que eres siempre, al fin,
tú mejor que yo!

I tremble still unsure
if you're standing at the door,
if the voice is really you...
I want to leave it closed,
and never have to know
my hopes are over too...
Let me think you'll come
to save our loving from
its ruins and debris...
Let me just pretend
you'll still be, in the end,
a better soul than me!

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006