






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Flor de Monserrat     The flower of Monserrat
Music: Juan Santini
Lyrics: V.P. del Campo
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 01 March 2006, Divino Lounge
Por sus ojos color cielo
y sus dones de bondad,
la llamaban Virgencita
en el barrio Monserrat.
Todos, todos la querían;
y no hubo payador,
que no cantara por ella,
en el barrio del Tambor.
Disputaban su cariño;
todos querían su honor,
pero la Virgen del barrio,
soñaba con otro amor...

For the sky-blue shade of her eyes
and the many good deeds she did,
they called her the Little Virgin
of the quarter of Monserrat.
Everyone, everyone loved her;
and there wasn't a troubador
who didn't break into song for her
in the barrio of Tambor.
They argued for her affections;
all of them sought her hand,
but the Virgin of the barrio
had a different love in her dreams...

Cuantas veces a sus rejas
perfumadas de jazmín
llegaron las serenatas
de uno y otro confín...
Marchitaron los jazmines;
ya no se oye la canción
en esas noches de luna
junto al pie de su balcón...
En todo el barrio se sabe,
que la flor de Monserrat
ha entregado sus amores
a un Convento de Piedad...

How many times the serenades
from dueling sides of town
reached the jasmine-scented
bars of her little window...
The jasmine flowers, they wilted;
and now, these moonlit nights,
down by the foot of her balcony
not one note of a song can be heard...
They know it all over the barrio,
that the flower of Monserrat
surrendered all her loves
to a Convent of Holy Mercy...

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006