






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Milonga querida     Sweetheart milonga
Music: Juan Larenza
Lyrics: Lito Bayardo

Rec. by Juan D'Arienzo
with Alberto Echagüe
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 06 Dec. 2006, Divino Lounge
No la pintaron los poetas
en sus versos seductores,
ni conocieron su vida
ni el amor de sus amores.
Fue la más linda del barrio
y por linda, codiciada,
y más de cien entreveros
su belleza provocó.

Never did poets describe her
in their seductive verses:
none of them heard about her
or about her life's great love.
She was the hood's most lovely
and was coveted for her beauty,
and a hundred eyes were on her
when her loveliness went by.

Pero ella bien conocía
quién en silencio la amaba
y a nadie al fin comprendía
pues con ninguno se daba;
por verla sola, muy sola,
mil comentarios se hicieron
y difamaron su nombre
al no conseguir su amor.

But she was well aware
of one who loved her in silence
and nobody got the picture
since she never had a guy;
to see her all so single
raised a thousand kinds of gossip,
and her good name went to ruin
as no one got her love.

Aquel muchacho tan triste,
tan humilde y tan sencillo,
se fue en silencio una noche
del alegre conventillo.
Y aquella piba bonita
por bonita codiciada,
cargó una tarde sus cosas,
y a su barrio no volvió.

That one young man alone,
humble and plain as he was,
went out one night in silence
from his lively tenement.
And that charming little girl
so coveted for her charms,
she packed up her things one evening
and left her hood behind.

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006