






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Lo pasao pasó (1940?)     The past has passed away
Music & lyrics: Miguel Bucino
Rec. by Carlos Di Sarli
with Roberto Rufino
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 09 May 07, Divino Lounge
Lo pasao pasó—¡no te atormentes
de que importa mi pasado!
Son cosas muertas que se han ido
y entre tus brazos he olvidado.
Lo pasao pasó y en mi corazón
son cenizas los recuerdos,
y entre las sombras del ayer
es más radiante, brilla más
   el sol de tu querer...

The past has passed away—don't abuse yourself
by wondering if my past has any meaning!
To me they're only things now dead and gone,
and when I'm in your arms I let them go...
The past has passed away and here inside my heart
my memories by now are only ashes,
and over all the shades of yesterday
is the splendor of your love's
   more brightly shining sun...

Hoy yo vivo por tu amor
añorando tu pasión;
sos un remanso en mi vida
y en tu pecho mi adormeceré...
Es necesario olvidar
y así encontrarás la fe perdida,
y sólo mía será tu boca
cuando borres el pasado aquel...

Your love is now the reason why I live,
yearning for your passion as I do;
you've given my life a haven
and lying on your breast I drift away...
The only thing you need is to forget
and so you'll find the faith you lost restored,
and your lips shall belong to me alone
when you erase that past of a life ago...

Hoy todo es mejor, hoy todo es azul,
a través de tu cariño...
Toda mi ansia está en tus besos,
todo mi afán es el olvido...
Lo pasao pasó—¡ven a mí otra vez
a vivir la nueva vida!
Está en tu amor mi salvación
y si te pierdo sangrará
   mi pobre corazón...

All is better now, now all is heaven-blue,
all because of your affection...
Your kisses are the only thing I long for,
forgetfulness the only wish I have…
The past has passed away—come to me again,
let's start our lives all over!
My salvation depends upon your love,
and if I lost you my poor heart
   would bleed itself dry.

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All contents copyright 2007