






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Esta noche me emborracho     I'm gonna get me drunk tonight
Music & Lyrics:
Enrique Santos Discépolo
Rec. by Rodolfo Biagi
Rec. by Hugo de Carril
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 19 July 2006, Divino Lounge
Sola, fané, descangayada,
la vi esta madrugada
salir de un cabaret;
flaca, dos cuartas de cogote,
y una percha en el escote
bajo la nuez.
Chueca, vestida de pebeta,
teñida y coqueteando
su desnudez...
Parecía un gallo desplumao,
mostrando al compadrear
el cuero picoteao...
yo que se cuando no aguanto mas,
al verla así rajé,
pa' no llorar...

She was single, wilted, and bedraggled
when before my eyes she straggled
from a nightclub as it closed;
scrawny, her nape was long and lanker;
throat-down she was all coat-hanger
where the neckline goes;
knock-kneed, done up like a tartlet,
coquetting it with her hair dyed
and skin exposed...
She looked to me just like a rooster, plucked,
showing off its henpecked hide
with a little barnyard strut...
and I who know it when I've downed my fill,
to see her so, took off,
so as not to cry...

Y pensar que hace diez años
fue mi locura!
que llegué hasta la traición
por su hermosura!...
que esto que hoy es un cascajo
fue la dulce metedura
donde yo perdí el honor;
Que chiflao por su belleza
le quité el pan a la vieja
me hice ruin y pechador...
Que quedé sin un amigo!
Que viví de mala fe!
que me tuvo de rodillas
sin moral, hecho un mendigo,
cuando se fue.

And to imagine ten years prior
she drove me dotty!
that I became a crooked liar
for her shapely body!
that what today is an old jalopy
was once the sweet desire
that I lost my honor for;
that her beauty made me lose my head
and I even stole my mother's bread,
a man corrupt with sins galore...
That I was left without a friend—
that I was living in bad faith;
that she had me on my knees there,
a spineless man in the end, a beggar,
when she walked away.

Nunca crei que la veria
en un "requiescat in pache"
tan cruel como el de hoy...
Mire, si no es pa' suicidarse
que por este cachivache
sea lo que soy...
Fiera venganza la del tiempo
que le hace ver deshecho
lo que uno amó...
y este encuentro me ha hecho tanto mal,
que si lo pienso mas,
termino envenenao.
Esta noche me emborracho bien,
me mamo bien mamao!...
pa' no pensar.

Never did I dream I'd ever see her
in a living obituary
as ruthless as today's...
Tell me it don't make suicide an option
to see it's thanks to this old scrap-heap
that I've been what I am...
Gruesome is the vengeance of the ages
when they show you the unmaking
of one you loved...
and that encounter made me so ill at ease,
that one more poison thought
is sure to leave me drowned.
I'm gonna get me good and drunk tonight,
I'm a' suck that bottle down
to clear my mind.

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All contents copyright 2006