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translated by Jake Spatz

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El once     The eleventh
Music: Osvaldo Fresedo
Lyrics: Emilio Fresedo
Rec. by Osvaldo Fresedo
with Roberto Ray
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 18 Apr. 07, Divino Lounge
No deje que sus penas se vayan al viento,
porque serán ajenas al que oye lo cierto;
no espere que una mano le afloje el dolor,
sólo le dirán ¡Pobre! y después, se acabó.
Por eso me divierto, no quiero sentirlas,
no quiero oír lamentos que amarguen la vida,
prefiero que se pierdan y llegue el olvido,
que todo remedia, que es lo mejor.

Fly not your troubles aloft in the breeze,
for no one who listens will think they're your own;
wait not for some hand to soothe your distress—
Poor thing's all they'll say, and that's where it ends.
That's why I have fun; I don't want to feel sorry,
I don't want to hear life-embittering groans,
I prefer them to fade with forgetfulness,
for it cures all things, and it's all for the best.

Si busca un consuelo, no vaya a llorar,
aprenda a ser fuerte y mate el pesar,
sonría llevando a su boca el licor,
que baile su almita esperando un amor.
El humo de un puro, la luz del lugar,
las notas que vagan le harán olvidar;
quién sabe, a su lado, los que irán así,
con los corazones para divertir.

If it's comfort you're after, don't weep your way there,
learn to be strong, put an end to despair,
raising the drink to your lips with a smile,
for the love-seeking heart will dance all the while.
The drift of cigar smoke, the chandelier shine,
the wandering notes leave it all far behind...
Who can say how those around you might run
with hearts in high spirits and out for some fun?

A divertirse todos, rompiendo el silencio,
para cantar en coro, siquiera un momento,
recuerden que en la vida, si hay algo de valor,
es de aquel que la lleva pasándola mejor.
Alegre su mirada, no piense en lo malo,
no deje que su cara se arrugue temprano,
deje que todo corra, no apure sus años,
que a nadie le importa lo que sintió.

For amusement's sake, everyone breaks the silence,
if only for a moment, to sing in the choir,
and remembers that life has one value alone:
what lifts up its heart as it passes along.
With a glance all cheer, don't dwell on the lows,
let no wrinkles arrive in your face too soon;
let things go as they will, don't make your years fret,
because no one much cares for the things you regret.

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006