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translated by Jake Spatz

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El día que me quieras     The day you ever love me
Music: Carlos Gardel
Lyrics: Alfredo Le Pera
Rec. by Carlos Gardel
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 14 June 2006, Divino Lounge
Acaricia mi ensueño
el suave murmullo
de tu suspirar.
Como rie la vida
si tus ojos negros
me quieren mirar.
Y si es mio el amparo
de tu risa leve
que es como un cantar,
ella aquieta mi herida,
todo, todo se olvida.

It's toying with my daydreams,
that gentle little music
that murmurs in your sighs...
What's life made of but laughter
when you show me all the darkling
attention of your eyes!
And whenever I find my haven
within your little chuckle
that's like a lullaby—
then all the pains that grind me,
they're hushed and left behind me...

El día que me quieras
la rosa que engalana,
se vestirá de fiesta
con su mejor color.
Y al viento las campanas
dirán que ya eres mía,
y locas las fontanas
se contaran su amor.

The day you ever love me,
the beautifying rose
shall dress for celebration
and show its deepest hue.
And the church-bells when the wind blows
will say you're really mine,
and the fountains will talk of love,
for they'll be crazy too.

La noche que me quieras
desde el azul del cielo,
las estrellas celosas
nos mirarán pasar.
Y un rayo misterioso
hara nido en tu pelo,
luciernagas curiosas que veran
que eres mi consuelo.

The night you ever love me,
from high in the blue of the heavens
the stars will shine with envy
to watch us passing by.
And the mystery of a moonbeam
shall nestle down in your hair,
curious fireflies shall wander out to see
you're the answer to my prayer.

El día que me quieras
no habra más que armonía.
Será clara la aurora
y alegre el manantial.
Traerá quieta la brisa
rumor de melodía.
Y nos daran las fuentes
su canto de cristal.
El día que me quieras
endulzara sus cuerdas
el pajaro cantor.
Florecerá la vida
no existira el dolor.

The day you ever love me
there will be nothing but harmony.
The morning shall be clear
and the brooks run full of mirth.
The quiet breeze shall carry us
whispers of a melody.
And we'll hear the crystal song
of the fountains of the earth.
The day you ever love me
the songbird shall tune his pipes
far sweeter than before.
Life will break into flower,
sorrow shall be no more.

La noche que me quieras
desde el azul del cielo,
las estrellas celosas
nos mirarán pasar.
Y un rayo misterioso
hará nido en tu pelo.
Luciernaga curiosa que vera
que eres mi consuelo.

The night you ever love me,
from high in the blue of the heavens
the stars will shine with envy
to watch us passing by.
And the mystery of a moonbeam
shall nestle down in your hair,
curious fireflies shall wander out to see
you're the answer to my prayer.

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All contents copyright 2006