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translated by Jake Spatz

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Desde el alma     From the soul
Music: Rosita Melo
Lyrics: Homero Manzi
Rec. by Nelly Omar
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 02 Nov. 05, Divino Lounge
Alma, si tanto te han herido,
¿por qué te niegas al olvido?
¿Por qué prefieres
llorar lo que has perdido,
buscar lo que has querido,
llamar lo que murió?

My soul, if they've hurt you so much,
why do you keep them in mind?
Why do you prefer
to weep for what you've lost,
to search for what you crave,
to call for what has died?

Vives inútilmente triste
y sé que nunca mereciste
pagar con pena
la culpa de ser buena,
tan buena como fuiste
por amor.

You're living sad for nothing,
and I know it was never worth it
to serve a sentence of pain
for the fault of being good,
as good as you truly were
in love.

Fue lo que empezó una vez,
lo que después dejó de ser.
Lo que al final
por culpa de un error
fue noche amarga del corazón.

It was a thing that started once,
a thing that since has ceased to be.
A thing that at last,
thanks to a mistake,
became a bitter midnight of the heart.

¡Deja esas cartas!
¡Vuelve a tu antigua ilusión!
Junto al dolor
que abre una herida
llega la vida
trayendo otro amor.

Never mind those letters!
Turn back to your fancies of old!
Along with the sorrow
that opens a wound,
life comes along
with a new love in tow.

Alma, no entornes tu ventana
al sol feliz de la mañana.
No desesperes,
que el sueño más querido
es el que más nos hiere.
es el que duele más.

Soul, don't shutter your window
to the happy sun of tomorrow.
Don't you despair,
for the most beloved dream
is the one that hurts us most,
the one we most lament.

Vives inútilmente triste
y sé que nunca mereciste
pagar con pena
la culpa de ser buena,
tan buena como fuiste
por amor.

You're living sad for nothing,
and I know it was never worth it
to serve a sentence of pain
for the fault of being good,
as good as you truly were
in love.

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All contents copyright 2006