






Check back often for a harvest of tango lyrics
translated by Jake Spatz

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Calla bandoneón     Be quiet, bandoneón
Music: Carlos Lazzari
Lyrics: Oscar Rubens
Rec. by Ricardo Tanturi
with Enrique Campos
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 04 Oct. 2006, Divino Lounge
Calla bandoneón!...
Calla, por favor!...
Tus notas me entristecen nuevamente,
tus notas me recuerdan ese amor.

Calla bandoneón!...
Calla, por favor!...
El tango que tus teclas hoy entonan
es ese que escuché con el adiós.

Be quiet, bandoneón!
Be quiet, for pity's sake!
Your notes bring up my sorrows once again,
your notes bring up my memories of that love...

Be quiet, bandoneón!
Be quiet, for pity's sake!
That tango that your keys intone tonight
is the one I heard being played at our goodbye.

Bailando nos enamoramos,
bailando nuestro amor juramos.
Testigo el bandoneón
nos endulzaba el corazón,
con el rezongo de su voz,
Un día rezongó más triste...
fue el día que el adiós dijiste...
un tango bien tristón
acompañó nuestro dolor
y así, bailando, llegó el adiós...

We danced each other into romance,
we swore our love as we danced.
The bandoneón was our witness,
sweetening both our hearts
with the grumbling of its voice,
One day it grumbled more sadly...
it was the day you told me goodbye...
and a tango full of sorrow
accompanied our grief
and as it did, danced us off to our goodbye...

Cuándo volverás?
Cuándo?, dime ya!
Dijiste que muy pronto volverías
y yo ya he envejecido de esperar.

Calla bandoneón!...
Calla, por favor!...
No ves que se me nublan ya los ojos...
no ves que sufro aún con ese amor.

When will you return?
When?—tell me already!
You told me you'd be coming back so soon
and already I've grown old with expectation.

Be quiet, bandoneón!
Be quiet, for pity's sake!
Don't you see how clouded my eyes already are...
don't you see I'm ever suffering over that love?

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006