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translated by Jake Spatz

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Por una cabeza     Lost by a head
Music: Carlos Gardel
Lyrics: Alfredo Le Pera
Rec. by Carlos Gardel
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 12 Oct. 05, Divino Lounge
Por una cabeza
de un noble potrillo
que justo en la raya
afloja al llegar,
y que al regresar
parece decir:
No olvidés, hermano,
vos sabés, no hay que jugar.
Por una cabeza,
metejón de un día
de aquella coqueta
y burlona mujer,
que al jurar sonriendo
el amor que está mintiendo,
quema en una hoguera
todo mi querer.

By only a head there
with that purebred pony
that slackened its pace
as it came down the stretch,
and on the parade lap
seemed to say: "Brother,
don't you forget now,
no one forced you to bet."
By only a head there,
a day's infatuation
with that young flirtatious,
satirical tease,
who swore through her smile
to a love that was guile,
and threw my affection
in a bonfire's blaze.

Por una cabeza,
todas las locuras.
Su boca que besa,
borra la tristeza,
calma la amargura.
Por una cabeza,
si ella me olvida
qué importa perderme
mil veces la vida,
para qué vivir.

By only a head there,
all kinds of madness.
The way her mouth kisses
erases the sadness,
it pacifies the gall.
By only a head there,
if she should forget me,
what's it matter to me
to die a thousand times,
—why go on at all.

Cuántos desengaños,
por una cabeza.
Yo juré mil veces,
no vuelvo a insistir.
Pero si un mirar
me hiere al pasar,
sus labios de fuego
otra vez quiero besar.
Basta de carreras,
se acabó la timba.
¡Un final reñido
ya no vuelvo a ver!
Pero si algún pingo
llega a ser fija el domingo,
yo me juego entero.
¡Qué le voy a hacer..!

How many hard lessons,
by only a head there.
I've sworn a thousand times,
I won't press my luck again.
And yet if a glance
arrests me in passing,
her liplock of fire
I again want to kiss.
Enough of the races,
I've folded my hand.
It's not my photo-finish,
I'm not buying in.
And yet if, come Sunday,
some filly's the favorite
—what else can I do?—
I'll take her to win.

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This site created and maintained by Jake Spatz
All contents copyright 2006