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translated by Jake Spatz

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Alma de bandoneón (1935)     The soul of the bandoneón
Music & lyrics: Enrique Santos Discépolo
(1) Rec. by Francisco Canaro
with Roberto Maida

(2) Rec. by Imperio Argentina
  Tr. Jake Spatz
Recited 16 May 07, Divino Lounge
Yo me burlé de vos
porque no te entendí
ni comprendí tu dolor...
Tuve la sensación
de que tu canto cruel
lo habias robao, bandoneón.
Recien comprendo bien
la desesperación
que te revuelve al gemir:
sos una oruga que quiso ser
mariposa antes de morir!

I once made fun of you
before I knew about
or knew the depths of your pain...
I had the feeling then
the hardship in your song
was something stolen, bandoneón.
I see so clearly now
how all of your despair
returns to you as you moan:
you're just a caterpillar that wanted to be
a butterfly before it's life's through!

Fue tu voz, bandoneón,
la que me confió
el dolor de fracaso
que hay en tu gemir;
voz que es fondo de la vida
oscura y sin perdon,
del que soñó volar
y arrastra su ilusion

It was your voice, bandoneón,
that confided to me
all the pain of falling short,
felt as it is in your moan;
a voice that speaks from the dregs of life
where forgiveness and light aren't known—
the life that dreamed it could fly
and drags your hopes along,
weeping all the way...

Igual que vos soñé...
Igual que vos viví
sin alcanzar mi ambición.
Alma del bandoneon—
alma que arrastro en mi—
voz de desdicha y de amor!...
te buscaré al morir,
te llamaré en mi adios,
para pedirte perdón...
y al apretarte en mis brazos
darte en pedazos mi corazón.

The same as you I dreamed,
the same as you I lived,
without arriving at my goal...
Bandoneón, your soul—
the soul I drag with me—
voice of misfortune and love!
When I die I'll look for you,
with my good-bye I'll call to you,
to beg of you forgiveness,
and as I squeeze you within my arms,
give you all the pieces of my heart.

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All contents copyright 2007