Updated 5/18/00

El Firulete 
The Argentine Tango Magazine 
January 1998


The Three Little Pigs

One night PigNumber1 ran into PigNumber2 and PigNumber3 at a suburban milonga and as it always happens, their Tango experiences immediately took center stage in the realm of their self indulgent conversation. The subject of boleos, always an advanced topic among P-types was brought up and P3, who's never figured out why he has one mouth and two ears proclaimed his disregard for ganchos as a “show only” figure. He had seen many gentle ganchos with the feet staying on the ground, the swerving foot quite close to the standing foot, and even some very energetic ones where the two legs stay together from top to toe during the entire gancho. Pausing just enough to grasp some air P3 winked at the other two and shared that the latter gancho can hardly be said to be dangerous, and it consumes zero floor space but the most noticeable thing for the audience is the smile on the follower’s face when done well.

Visibly uncomfortable with facing the embarrassing task to having to correct P3, P2 chose to tell P1 that it was great to see him at their recent milonga. Yes, P1 had a great time and he wanted to emphasize how impressed he was with the dancing level of the followers up there. One could only imagine the musical crescendo in P2’s imaginative, almost cinema verite mind as he saw himself being the carrier of good tidings to the gentle followers of his community. You know gang, he would write, you know how P1 has very discriminating tastes because he does not ask many women to dance other than his steady partner. P2 was sure that the tangueras would really appreciate this remark. Geeweez, for P1 to say this, by George, it is a great compliment to our tangueras. Mary Ann would shut down her successful law practice for the day; Mary Belle would forgo taking advantage of the market volatility in the Asian financial markets and she would also join the rest of the tangueras leaving their successful daytime careers to party at Stinky’s, the fashionable expresso bar and once a week Tango' s center of the universe . Perrier would flow freely that night, and as each one would take turns to re-read the news sent by P2, they would cheer, give themselves high fives and pat each other on the back. P2’s imagination went on the blink when the eclectic deejay attacked with Sally Potter’s rendition of Milonga Triste. The three little pigs dashed onto the dance floor and proceeded to outdo each other with extraordinary maneuvers and elaborated gestures.

The music ended and for a moment the ensuing of ecstasy seemed to suspend the progression of time. Mina La Fleur, who had been listening to the entire exchange, walked up to the guys with the humble strut of a beginner. Excuse me, she said, being a beginner as I am, I could not help but listening to what you folks had to say. That was quite a dance, wasn't it? she offered provoking a smug look on their faces. But I have a question though, aren’t you guys suppose to dance with a partner?

Alberto Paz
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