Tango Lyrics in Spanish and English


The brunette (1905) 

Music by: Ernesto Saborido
Lyrics by: Angel Villoldo
Translated by: Alberto Paz
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Last Updated: 12/20/00

La Morocha is credited with creating one of the first Tango explosions in Europe sometime around 1906 when Argentine graduates from the Naval Academy carried with them freshly printed music sheets of La Morocha. The nickname "morocha" is commonly used in Argentina to describe women of swarthy complexion with dark hair. The inspiring "morocha" allegedly was one Lola Candales, a professional dancer with a pleasant voice. Enrique Saborido composed the music and Angel Villoldo wrote the lyrics in a few hours on Christmas morning of 1905 at a bar where bohemian artists hung out after hours.
There is a nationalistic and somehow chauvinistic undertone in the description of a day in the life of the "ideal" female partner. She is up before sunrise busy boiling the water and filling up the mate gourd with "yerba" to offer the bitter concoction (cimarron) to the countrymen, supposedly on their way to work the land.
She is happy at home, singing, feeling in love and saving herself for her "owner." She sings to the Pampero (a westerly wind of the pampas), to her beloved country (she is also a patriot!) and to the faithful one who owns her heart.

Version en castellano

English version

Yo soy la Morocha
la más agraciada,
la más renombrada
de esta población.
Soy la que al paisano
muy de madrugada
brinda un cimarron.

Yo, con dulce acento,
junto a mi ranchito,
canto un estilito
con tierna pasion,
mientras que mi dueño
sale al trotecito
en su redomon.

Soy la morocha argentina,
la que no siente pesares,
y alegre pasa la vida
con sus cantares.
Soy la gentil compañera
del noble gaucho porteño,
la que conserva la vida
para su dueño.

Yo soy la morocha
de mirar ardiente,
la que en su alma siente
el fuego de amor.
Soy la que al criollito
mas noble y valiente
ama con ardor.

En mi amado rancho,
bajo la enramada
en noche plateada,
con dulce emoción
le canto al pampero,
a mi patria amada
y a mi fiel amor.

Soy la morocha argentina,
la que no siente pesares
y alegre pasa la vida
con sus cantares.
Soy la gentil compañera
del noble gaucho porteño,
la que conserva el cariño
para su dueño.

I am the Morocha
the most graceful,
the most renowed
of this village.
I'm the one who to the countryman
very early in the morning
offers an unsweetened mate.

I, with a sweet accent,
near to my little hut,
sing a estilito
with tender passion,
while my owner
goes at a trot
on his half-trained horse.

I am the Argentine brunette,
the one who does not feel regrets,
and spend life happy
with her singing.
I am the gentle partner
of the noble porteño gaucho,
the one who saves her life
for her owner.

I am the brunette
of burning gaze,
the one who feels in her soul
the fire of love.
I am the one who, to the little Creole,
the more honest and bravest,
loves with warmth.

In my beloved hut,
under the arbour
on silvery nights,
with sweet emotion
I sing to the wind,
to my beloved country
and to my faithful love.

I am the Argentine brunette,
the one who does not feel regrets,
and spends life happy
with her singing.
I am the gentle partner
of the noble porteño gaucho,
the one who saves her affection
for her owner. 

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