Tango Lyrics in Spanish and English


Gricel (1942) 

Music by: Mariano Mores
Lyrics by: Jose Maria Contursi
Translated by: Alberto Paz

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Last Updated: 6/1/06

Version en castellano

English version

No debi pensar jamas 
en lograr tu corazon... 
Ysin embargo te busque 
hasta que un dia te encontre 
y con mis besos te aturdi 
sin importarme que eras buena.
Tu ilusion fue de cristal 
se rompio cuando parti,
pues nunca, nunca mas volvi... 
!Que amarga fue tu pena.! 

"No te olvides de mi ,
de tu Gricel", 
me dijiste al besar 
el Cristo aquel... 
Y hoy, que vivo enloquecido 
porque no te olvide, 
ni te acuerdas de mi 
!Gricel! !Gricel! 

Me falto despues tu voz 
y el calor de tu mirar 
y como un loco te busque 
pero ya nunca te encontre 
y en otros besos me aturdi.
Mi vida fue todo engaño! 
¿Que sera, Gricel, de mi...? 
Se cumplio la ley de Dios 
porque sus culpas ya pago 
quien te hizo tanto daño!

I never should've thought
about trying to win your heart...
Yet I looked for you
until one day I found you
and with my kisses I bewildered you
failing to care how good you were.
Your illusion was like crystal
that shattered when I left,
because I never, ever came back...
How bitter was your heartache!

"Don't forget me,
your Gricel,"
you said while you kissed
that image of Christ...
Today, I'm still crazy
because I did not forget you,
you no longer remember me
Gricel! Gricel!

I lacked the sound of your voice
and the warmth of your eyes
and like a madman I looked for you
but I never could find you
and I succumbed to other kisses.
My life was such a fake!
What will I become, Gricel?
It was the law of God
because his mistakes already paid
the one who hurt you so much.

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