Tango Lyrics in Spanish and English

Downhill (1934)
Lyrics by: Alfredo Lepera
Music by: Carlos Gardel

Translated by: Alberto Paz Return to Table of Contents
Last update on: 3/19/08


From the 1934 film of the same name, CUESTA ABAJO, directed by Louis J. Gasnier, screenplay by Alfredo Lepera starring Carlos Gardel and Mona Maris

Si arrastre por este mundo
la vergüenza de haber sido
y el dolor de ya no ser,
bajo el ala del sombrero
cuantas veces embozada
una lagrima asomada
yo no pude contener.

Si cruce por los caminos
como un paria que el destino
se empeño en deshacer;
si fui flojo, si fui ciego,
solo quiero que comprendan
el valor que representa
el coraje de querer.

Era, para mi la vida entera,
como un sol de primavera
mi esperanza y mi pasión.
Sabia, que en el mundo no cabia
toda la humilde alegria
de mi pobre corazón.
Ahora, cuesta abajo en mi rodada
las ilusiones pasadas
ya no las puedo arrancar.
Sueño, con el pasado que añoro,
el tiempo viejo que lloro
y que nunca volvera...

Por seguir tras de sus huellas
yo bebi incansablemente
en mi copa de dolor;
pero nadie comprendia
que si todo yo lo daba,
en cada vuelta dejaba
pedazos de corazón...

Ahora, triste en la pendiente,
solitario y ya vencido,
yo me quiero confesar;
si aquella boca mentia
el amor que me ofrecia
por aquellos ojos brujos
yo habria dado siempre mas...
If I dragged around this world
the shame of having been
and the pain of no longer being;
Under the brim of the hat
how many times muzzled,
a tear appeared that
I could not contain.

If I roamed the roads
as a pariah that fate
persisted in undoing;
if I was weak, if I was blind,
I just want them to understand
the value that represents
the courage to love.

She was for me the whole life,
like a sun of spring
my hope and my passión.
I knew, there was no room in the world
for all the humble happiness
of my poor heart.
Now, down hill in my fall
the former illusions
no longer I can erase.
I dream, of the past that I long for,
the old time that I cry about
and that never will return..

Following on her tracks
I drank untiringly
in my cup of pain;
but nobody understood
that if I gave it all,
each time around, I left
parts of my heart..

Now, sad in the decline,
alone and already defeated,
I want to make a confession;
if that mouth lied about
the love she offered me,
for those bewitching eyes
I would have given always more...

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